Don Juan de Austria was born in Ratisbona (Germany). He was the illegitimate son of the emperor Carlos I of Spain, Caesar of Cristianity. He was educated in a family that was close to the Spanish Royal Family until he reached and completed his education in the ancient and prestigious university of Alcalá de Henares.
Don Juan is the example of the bravery and gallantry of the spanic race. When he was still young, the turks attacked Malta (1565) and he ask the king to join the battle. The king didn’t let him go, so he escaped from Madrid to Barcelona to join the navy that was going to he war. His brother (the king Felipe II) finally convinced him to stay in Spain. For us its impossible to notice the paralelism between him and the falangist who cross the spanish borders in 1942 to fight next to the german army against bolchevism.
The military carreer of Don Juan started in the battle called “Rebellion of the Alpujarras, when the “moriscos” (muslim people “converted” into cristians) start a rebellion against the king. Commanding the army, strongly stopped the rebellion, showing to his relevants his military skills.
But Don Juan de Austria its in the olympus of the heroes of europe because of the battle of Lepanto. Commanding de Saint League (formed by the spanish monarchy, the pontificient states, the republic of venice, the Malt Order and the duchy of saboya), the 7th of october of 1571, in the murascaill of Lepanto, cause a great defeat to he turks. In a battle wich was a mixed of a navy battle and a tough fight hand to hand.
With this paint we want to remember not only Don Juan de Austria but all the generation that fight in that battle, including really famous names as Miguel de Cervantes. The dedication of them and the unity with the european brothers against a common enemy and in order to protect our lands and values has to inspire this generation to follow the example of them.
Their blood is our legacy.
Heroes never die.
Defend Europe
„Tineretul Falangist al Spaniei” este aripa de tineret a partidului nostru politic „La Falange”. Este alcătuit din tineri național-sindicaliști cu vârste cuprinse între 18 și 30 de ani, care sunt organizați în secțiuni teritoriale, având reprezentare în toate marile orașe ale Spaniei. Obiectivele organizației, pe lângă efectuarea acțiunilor și proiectelor propuse de partidul politic, sunt să revendice identitatea națională, să apere drepturile muncitorilor, să lupte împotriva marxismului cultural și să ofere tinerilor un proiect de acțiune politică serios și structurat pe termen lung.